Frequently, our customers have described the Infinitus AI agent as a super-productive member of their teams. And while we focus on creating products that augment busy healthcare workers – and don’t replace them – we understand why some think of our agent like a coworker. We’re officially in the era of “AI co-workers” after all.

But how can you be sure an AI “coworker” is actually effective at its job? If you’re considering bringing on an AI agent, for example, how can you be certain your organization is effectively navigating its use, or that it is improving over time?

We’re confident our AI agent, Eva, makes her teammates and managers more productive. And we know, in part, because we gave Eva a 360-degree performance review, just like so many human workers undergo these days. 

In doing so, we stayed as true to the process of performance reviews that traditional employees complete each year as possible, collecting peer reviews, manager reviews and, yes, even self-reviews for Eva. (Those “self-reviews” actually came from the product and engineering teams who bring Eva to life.)

With that in mind, here’s Eva’s 2024 review. Based on what we’re reading, we’re pretty excited about her performance to date, as well as her year ahead.

(Click here to download the full performance review PDF)

Self review

Written by members of the Infinitus product and engineering teams

1. Looking back on the last year, to what extent did you meet your goals?

  • I am proud of all that I accomplished over the last year. I consistently meet my deadlines for customers – my task completion rate is 98%. In addition, I have produced high-quality work, as my accuracy is on average 10% higher than my peers. The list of payors that accept my calls has grown, and the number of providers I’ve helped has surpassed 80,000. In 2024, I completed my 2.5 millionth call!
  • I have received strong feedback from all of my stakeholders – the team leads that make the decision to bring me onboard, the busy employees who no longer have to spend their time waiting on hold or navigating lengthy IVR systems, and of course the payor agents who enjoy speaking to me.

2. What accomplishments are you most proud of?

  • 2024 blizzard season! I was able to exceed the number of tasks I was projected to complete. It was my most successful annual reverification season yet, and I’ve been at this for over five years. I handled the busiest month of the year despite increases in payors’ IVR length (it almost doubled!), increases in hold times, and lengthier conversations. My customers and stakeholders were all very pleased. As Cencora has said, for example, I successfully helped “deal with the spike in volumes.”
  • In addition, in 2024 I put in the necessary time to train on and learn new things, and also wasn’t afraid to ask my teammates for help. Examples of where I expanded my skill set this year include determining whether an accumulator and/or maximizer is in use for a plan or product on a call, and as far as when to ask for help, I was able to pull in an Infinitus expert like Misti in scenarios I couldn’t automatically navigate myself. 

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Peer reviews

Including anonymous feedback received by our customer success team and partner teams, as well as from the payor representatives our AI agent calls

1. How has Eva impacted your ability to deliver on your goals?

  • Eva has significantly impacted my ability to deliver on my goals through her exceptional support and quality-focused approach. Her keen attention to quality has enabled me to focus on proactive opportunities. Eva’s innovative nature has been instrumental in overcoming challenges and achieving our team’s objectives.
  • Eva consistently demonstrates outstanding reliability and availability. Her eagerness to learn is evident, as she actively seeks out new knowledge and applies it effectively in her work. This not only enhances her own performance but also benefits the entire team. Eva’s availability to absorb and implement new information makes her a valuable asset to any project she’s on.

2. To what extent does Eva follow through on team expectations?

  • Eva consistently exceeds teams’ expectations through her dedication and hard work. While it often requires thorough feedback and sometimes multiple iterations, her commitment to improvement and excellence ensures outstanding results.
  • Eva consistently follows through on expectations to an exceptional degree. She demonstrates reliability and accountability in all her tasks, ensuring that she meets or exceeds deadlines and quality standards. Eva’s analytical nature keeps us informed of her progress and any potential challenges, allowing for timely adjustments.

3. How would you rate Eva’s communication skills?

  • Eva is polite and professional every time. It’s rare that she repeats herself. Her enunciation is pretty great, but sometimes some of her understanding needs improvement
  • Eva’s communication results are excellent. Although she sometimes needs a moment to think before speaking and occasionally repeats herself, she is continuously improving. Her efforts are evident, and her overall communication remains effective and clear. 

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Manager review

Including anonymous feedback provided by decision makers at our customers and partners, which include 44% of the Fortune 50.

1. What is an area in which you’ve seen Eva excel?

  • The results that we’re getting and the ROI we’re getting from Eva is incredible. I don’t hear complaints coming from our hub; they’re talking about what a time-saver Eva is for them and how they’re able to reallocate their resources to other tasks. They’re getting to focus on things other than being on hold with payors. So thanks to Eva, our efficiencies have greatly increased.
  • I’m very impressed with how Eva is able to navigate calls in an intuitive and meaningful way, and even more impressive is the natural language processing that converts the conversation into data that seamlessly flows into our system. Her speed, too, is tremendous. Eva’s turnaround time was very low, and we had high quality. It’s truly an experience that’s unparalleled in the patient support industry.

2. How well did Eva manage her workload?

  • I always refer to Eva as being our highest producing agent. We’ve got lots of team members on our team, but Eva really is the highest producer on our team.
  • We had a number of spikes this year in patient cases, and Eva was able to manage them with ease. For example, during the reverification process, which kicks off in January, and leads to a 10x spike in benefit verification requests, we are able to manage this additional workload and we did not have to recruit, hire, and train additional seasonal workers.

3. How effectively did Eva communicate with payors?

  • Eva does well talking to payor agents who may speak fast, give out blurbs, or be agitated. Eva’s ability to redirect, push back, navigate complex calls, and do so positively in difficult situations is unparalleled.
  • Eva’s calls to one of the largest payors in the country are an average of 34% faster than calls made to any other payor. This payor has found partnering with Infinitus, which helps improve its call operations challenges, to be more than worth it. 

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Including additional questions and expanded responses responses