To date, Infinitus automates calls on behalf of healthcare providers to more than 1400 payors. Those calls are faster and result in more accurate data for our customers, but we’re still often asked: Why do payors take calls from the Infinitus digital assistant?

As it is for healthcare providers, digital transformation is a top priority for insurers too. Whether that’s converting paper documents into digital records or researching the patient experience, health insurers are proactively implementing strategic automation initiatives intended to boost their teams’ productivity and save time. So, while healthcare providers are benefitting from the time saved by automating benefit verification and prior authorization calls, the payors they’re calling are too.

We understand this. In fact, we partner with payors at each stage of their digital transformation, enabling them to take incremental steps toward automation while also progressing their digital transformation and AI adoption efforts – at no cost to the payor. 

The adoption of healthcare AI for payors often occurs in three phases:

Phase 1: Improved performance

When healthcare providers onboard Infinitus, payors receive fewer, faster, friendlier calls. The Infinitus digital assistant, which is powered by AI, has made over a million calls and has learned from them, leading to a specific, consistent, and 10% more accurate line of questioning.

Insurers are receiving fewer calls because Infinitus is able to pull patient data from a variety of digital sources, while also being an “expert” in over 1,000 medications and therapies. This means Infinitus is gathering the maximum amount of data possible before calling a payor; the call itself is only a last resort.

When the Infinitus digital assistant does make a call, they are shorter than those made by manual callers. This is because the digital assistant follows a standardized flow and knows the questions to ask to complete the call as efficiently as possible. And even if it must spend an hour waiting on hold, it’s always pleasant with the payor agent on the other end of the line.

Phase 2: Dedicated AI phone lines

After experiencing the performance improvements outlined above, several major payors have created dedicated phone lines to take calls from the Infinitus digital assistant. This is another way in which AI adoption has helped them streamline their operations.

The dedicated teams that receive calls from Infinitus are trained to work efficiently with our digital assistant, and have demonstrated outputs that are up to 50% higher than non-dedicated teams receiving the same calls. Because the Infinitus digital assistant asks questions in a predictable and repeatable fashion, in addition to speed of calls, there’s typically a reduced training cost for payors to handle calls from Infinitus.

Phase 3: API integration

For insurers furthest along in adopting healthcare AI for payors, Infinitus offers the ability to integrate with their API to ensure we’re pulling information directly from them. This capability offers payors another way for Infinitus to collect information upfront, reducing the need to call them in the first place. 

In cases where APIs don’t exist, interested payors can work directly with Infinitus to define and help build the appropriate APIs. The Infinitus team can help payors digitize documents needed to create APIs to serve all of their customers electronically. Of course, we understand AI adoption efforts don’t – and can’t – happen overnight. We’re focused on helping healthcare providers and payors’ existing teams do more with less.

Interested in learning more? We’ve laid out the reasons payors enjoy working with Infinitus.