As people lead at Infinitus, I have the unique pleasure of seeing our culture come to life in incredible ways. InfiniCamp, our annual offsite event, is hands down one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a chance for us to come together, reconnect, and get excited about the year ahead. This year was no exception.

While there are countless highlights, five parts of this InfiniCamp 2024 stood out. Read on to learn more, or watch the video documenting our time together to see for yourself:

1. The power of connection

InfiniCamp is all about building strong relationships. One of the best moments for me is always watching employees forge strong connections. The energy of having everyone in one place is electrifying. Between lively competitions building the tallest structure out of dried pasta, masking tape, and marshmallows; exploring the sights in San Francisco; or sharing meals together, this offsite creates bonds that make our workplace stronger and more cohesive.

2. Time to recharge

While we’re always striving for excellence, we know how important it is to pause, reflect, and recharge. InfiniCamp gives us the perfect balance of work and relaxation. Whether it was through learning about wellness from Dr. Darshan Shah, walking in the sunshine along the Embarcadero, or learning the latest TikTok dance while visiting Alcatraz, I loved seeing everyone take the time to unwind. This downtime not only rejuvenates us, but also sets the stage for greater creativity when we return to work.

3. Learning from each other

One of the most exciting elements of InfiniCamp is hearing from cross-functional teams who give presentations to the group. This year’s challenge to create meaningful presentations that engaged the group resulted in clear messaging but also gameshow-style trivia and unique prizes. We learned from each other and had fun in the process.

4. Living Our Values Awards

One of the highlights of InfiniCamp is celebrating our team members’ accomplishments. This year marks the second annual LOV Awards, where we recognized employees for demonstrating exceptional commitments to our company values. Seeing the pride in our colleagues’ faces as they received their awards, each representing not only their achievements but the recognition of their peers, was truly heartwarming.

5. Looking ahead together

Finally, InfiniCamp is an opportunity to come together and align on our future. I love how this event creates space for us to discuss the bigger picture – where we’re headed as a company, what our shared goals are, and how we can continue to innovate and grow together. The energy and excitement generated at InfiniCamp are contagious, and I always leave feeling motivated for the year ahead.

InfiniCamp is a reflection of the best of Infinitus: learning, celebrating our wins, and connecting with our teammates. I’m already looking forward to next year and all the memories we’ll create together!

If our annual offsite sounds like something you’d like to be a part of next year, there’s good news: We’re hiring! Check out our careers page for a full list of open roles.