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Customer Stories

Preview image for a patient access program case study using Infinitus
Preview image for an Infinitus case study about a Fortune 50 biotech company
Infinitus AI agent Eva 2024 review
Customers say our AI agent Eva is the most productive member of their team. See what Eva's "co-workers" and others have to say.
An illustration of the Infinitus AI system graphic with review stars appearing above it in quote bubbles.
Frequently, our customers have described the Infinitus AI agent as a super-productive member of their teams. And while we focus on creating products that augment busy healthcare workers – and don’t replace them – we understand why some think of our agent like a coworker. We’re officially in the era of “AI co-workers” after all. But...
Infinitus case study: National payor owned specialty pharmacy
Customer video - Fortrea on improving efficiency with Infinitus
Customer video - Fortrea on implementing AI with Infinitus
Customer video: Fortrea on partnership with Infinitus
Infinitus case study: leading US payor
Infinitus case study - Fortune 500 biotech manufacturer
Infinitus case study: Cencora Patient Services
Infinitus case study: Fortrea Patient Access

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