Voice AI agents for healthcare

Automate routine touch points with a patient, payor, or provider, and reserve human time for work that adds more value.

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Voice AI agents that meet your needs

Regardless of who you’re trying to engage — patients, providers, or payors — we’ve got you covered. Automate routine calls to save time and increase access, adherence, and affordability for all.

AI agents that call patients

Patient navigator

Create a personalized touch for patients just starting treatment. Answer questions, set expectations, and improve patient experience and adherence.

Income verification

Confirm a patient’s reported income and determine eligibility for monetary subsidies or copay programs.

Medication adherence

Proactively check in with patients to ensure they are taking medication as prescribed. Escalate reported side effects or blockers in taking medication to clinicians and case workers to ensure adherence and compliance.

Health risk assessment

Ensure patients get the most out of their insurance plans by performing routine health assessments.

Have an idea for a new patient touchpoint?

If you can dream it, we can do it. Let’s create your vision for a better patient experience.

AI agents that call payors

Benefit verification

Automate tasks to quickly understand a patient’s medical and pharmacy coverage. Access the latest information from commercial payors at the plan and group number level, and local and national Medicare product coverage. Collect detailed data such as:

  • Plan details (deductible, OOP, plan type)
  • Network status
  • Drug and admin coverage
  • Coordination of benefits
  • Prior authorization requirements
  • Specialty pharmacy requirements
  • Buy and bill availability
  • Local (MAC) and national product coverage for Medicare Part B

Prior authorization

Understand if a treatment requires prior authorization (PA) and if it is active and on file. Get up-to-date information on prior authorization status and accelerate patient access to care. Collect data such as:

  • Prior authorization requirement
  • Prior authorization status (not on file, pending, canceled, approved, denied)
  • Approved (+ approval details)
  • Denied (+denial reason, appeal options)

Formulary exceptions

Understand if a formulary exception has been submitted and approved by the payor. Get up-to-date information on formulary exception status and accelerate patient access to care. Collect data such as:

  • Formulary exception status
  • Process to submit formulary exception
  • Approved (+ approval details)
  • Denied (+denial reason, appeal options)


Understand if a prior authorization or formulary exception appeal has been submitted and approved. Get up-to-date information on formulary exception status and accelerate patient access to care. Collect data such as:

  • Status of the appeal
  • Approved (+ approval details)
  • Denied (+denial reason, appeal options)
  • Process to submit appeals
  • Levels of appeals available

Bridge eligibility

Automate periodic reverification tasks to confirm if patients should still be eligible for bridge programs by calling payors to determine if coverage has changed and next steps. Ensure your patients remain eligible for bridge programs, or if they are ready to be transitioned to commercial coverage. Collect data such as:

  • Patient plan validity with the commercial plan
  • Product coverage (whether the therapy is now covered)
  • Coverage exception options available such as prior authorization, formulary exception
  • Approved (+ approval details)
  • Denied (+ denial reason, appeal options)

Insurance discovery

Automate the identification of a patient’s insurance plan to get detailed benefits. Get the current medical or pharmacy plan details for a patient. You can also indicate that the detailed benefit verification tasks should be collected. Collect data such as:

  • Medical payor name, subscriber ID, effective date, plan information
  • PBM payor name, phone number, plan information

Have a different need for a payor-facing AI agent?

Let us know what it is. Together we can reduce burden on your team and drive faster access to care.

AI agents that call providers

Directory confirmation

Call providers to verify their information so they can be discovered by patients in online directories and more.

Provider navigator

Create a personalized touch for providers who are supporting patients. Answer questions, set expectations, and improve the experience, so they can operate at the top of their license.

Missing information

Call providers to collect missing information when documentation is submitted. Automate these touch points to avoid creating delays in patient access, adherence or affordability of therapy.

Have a different need for a provider-facing AI agent?

Let us know what it is. Together we can reduce burden on your team and drive faster access to care.

Healthcare leaders choose Infinitus for voice AI

Meet patient demands while cutting costs and boosting employee morale

A Fortune 50 biotechnology company needed a scalable solution to help keep pace with fluctuations in enrollment, drug indications, and increasing market demand.

By onboarding Infinitus voice AI agents, they were able to meet demand, save significant time, boost team morale, and save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

AI agents for all stages of the patient journey

Our enterprise-ready solutions harness digital connections and voice AI to complete administrative and clinical tasks.

Voice AI agents

Leverage voice AI for calls across the entire healthcare ecosystem. Our calls have a 98% success rate and collect data an average of 10% more accurately. Spin up new use cases in just weeks and easily escalate to a human operator when needed.

• Patient-facing AI agents
• Provider-facing AI agents
• Payor-facing AI agents

Digital AI agents

Through our partnerships with clearninghouses and payors, we collect data digitally prior to making phone calls. This cuts down the length of phone-based interactions, improving the experience for the patients, providers, and payors we call, in addition to accelerating turnaround time for customers.

Voice AI agent resources

Infinitus AI agent Eva 2024 review


A 360 review for the Infinitus AI agent Eva L.

Customers say our AI agent Eva is the most productive member of their team. See what Eva’s “co-workers” and others have to say.

preview image for webinar, Unlocking healthcare at scale: AI for the back office


Unlocking healthcare at scale: AI for the back office

See how pharmaceutical manufacturers, specialty pharmacies, payors, and providers automate phone calls quickly and accurately with AI.

Customer video: Fortrea on partnership with Infinitus


What’s it like working with Infinitus?

Infinitus is less like a vendor, more like a partner. But don’t take it from us; hear directly from our customers.

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Make one call to change it all.

Join 125,000 providers creating more time for patients and changing US healthcare as we know it.